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Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, according to a research by Pew research centre, which provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the world.
According to, Islam will be the most dominant religion of the world in 2070, by overtaking Christianity, which leads all the religions by a long margin at the moment.
There are 2,168,330,000 Christians in the world presently, whereas population of Muslims is 1,599,700,000. But population of Muslims is increasing rapidly. The Muslims are increasing at double speed.
In 2050 there will be 1,161,780,000 more Muslims in the world but only 749,740,000 more Christians, which means population of Muslims will be 2,761,480,000 and population of Christians will be 2,918,070,000.
Overall population of the world is 6,895,850,000 presently but it will increase to 9,307,190,000 in 2050. On the other hand Hinduism in the third fastest growing religion in the world as their population is 1,032,210,000 presently but they will increase to 1,384,360,000 in 2050.
This way Hinduism will overtake Unaffiliated/Atheists/Agnostics in 2050, as their numbers are going down day by day. Although their numbers are increasing in secular countries but overall their will be only 99,190,000 increase in their number, so their total population will be 1,230,340,000 in 2050.
The Buddhists are also going down in number because of low fertility rates in Japan and China. But fertility rate of Muslims is the best so their numbers will increase the best.